Just woke up, what'd I miss?

Monsieur Johnsieur @kiljoy96


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Ronnie Johnald's Culinary

Pizza Planet

Joined on 7/2/08

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kiljoy96's News

Posted by kiljoy96 - August 25th, 2008

using this code for santa's head:
onClipEvent(load) {
speedX = 10;
speedY = 10;
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
this._x += speedX;
this._y += speedY;

if (this._x >= 510) {
speedX = -speedX;
rotate = Math.random()*6-3; // -3 to 3
} else if (this._x <= 30) {
speedX = -speedX;
rotate = Math.random()*6-3; // -3 to 3
if (this._y >= 370) {
speedY = -speedY;
rotate = Math.random()*6-3; // -3 to 3
} else if (this._y <= 50) {
speedY = -speedY;
rotate = Math.random()*6-3; // -3 to 3
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
this._rotation += rotate;

and this code for the snowflakes:
onClipEvent(load) {
this._x = Math.random()*550; // 0 to 550
this._y = Math.random()*400; //0 to 400
speed = Math.random()*3+3; // 3 to 6
drift = Math.random()*2-1; // -1 to 1
rotate = Math.random()*6-3; // -3 to 3
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
this._y += speed;
this._x += drift;
this._rotation += rotate;
//bring back to top
if (this._y >400) this._y = 0;
// one side to another
if (this._x < 0) this._x = 550;
if (this._x> 550) this._x = 0;
// create 50 additional snowflakes
onClipEvent(load) {
for(var i=0;i<50;i++) {
snowflake.duplicateMovieClip("snowflak e"+i,i);

i made this

Posted by kiljoy96 - August 25th, 2008

is there anything wrong with this code (beside spaces ng doesnt like spaces) im tryin to make just a simple ball bounce but it only goes side to side

onClipEvent(load) {
speedX = 10;
speedY + 10;
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
this._x += speedX;
this._y += speedY;

if (this._x >= 550) {
speedX = -speedX;
} else if (this._x <= 0) {
speedX = -speedX;
if (this._y >= 400) {
speedY = -speedY;
} else if (this._y <= 0) {
speedY = -speedY;

also im using flash mx
i think thats as1
but it might be as2
never mind i found the prob.

Posted by kiljoy96 - August 25th, 2008

listen to it
the best two songs are boom boom boom and radio song hell yeah!
no the best songs are... handlebars and um... well whatever

Posted by kiljoy96 - August 24th, 2008

/* */
that song explains only some of my great features
i can keep rythim with no metronome
im high dont you see the smoke from my pipe?

Posted by kiljoy96 - August 24th, 2008

i am awesome at frame-by-frame animation with sticks i made a little one for my tut where a stick commits suicide and it rocks so expect some stick flashes
also my tut is almost done just need to put in credits and music
ill be submitting it in like 10 min.

Posted by kiljoy96 - August 24th, 2008

um since all i can get through the portal are tuts im making one on simple/misc. animation
on the menu i have a stick doin the wave and it looks realistic too
i think ill be pleased with the way this one comes out

Posted by kiljoy96 - August 24th, 2008

i totally forgot i was getting it so if it isnt at my house today(ive been at my dads house all weekend, it may have come saturday) it might come tomorrow then i can make frikin sweet gamez
i just got home from church and it came(yay) it is
Sams teach yourself Flash MX actionscript in 24 hours(long title jeeze)

Posted by kiljoy96 - August 23rd, 2008

i got my first soccer game of the season today and its raining but thats a good thing cause we have played 5 games in the rain before and we won all of them
by the way im 12 and im play in u-15 just cause we have 1 freshman on the team
and we are in division a and that is the best teams
wow this season is going to look alot like last year this is what we got last year

0 wins:(, 5 ties, and 3 losses

Posted by kiljoy96 - August 22nd, 2008

take a pic of yourself and edit it so you are a leprechaun mine is my prof. pic i spent like 10 min. on it though so it aint that good

also look at my last post that was a weird dream

Posted by kiljoy96 - August 22nd, 2008

i dreamed JohnnyUtah worked at a starbucks and i went to it on a moving road and all the cars were on the sidewalk and then, since i knew who he was he came to my house and he helped me make a flash that got a perfect 5.00 score
that was one weird dream